The 4th Quarter IFTA Report is due by January 31, 2025. Generate your IFTA Report today!


Create and Email Pay Stubs Instantly.
PayStub Creator App


Our pay stub creator is a fast and easy way to create pay stubs online. All the calculations are automated and accurate. Deductions and withholdings are based on the current laws and requirements, which we keep up to date with every tax year. The entire process of creating pay stubs will take only a few minutes. Our pay stub creator will help you to auto-calculate the Federal and State income taxes, FICA taxes and year to date values.

Why Should you use our Online Pay Stub Creator?



Employers can easily create professional pay stubs for their employees and contractors with an option to download or email pay stubs directly.

Sole Proprietors

Sole Proprietors

Sole proprietors can use our paystub maker to create pay stubs for themselves to show proof of income. The process is simple and easy.


Below are the great features of our pay stub creator which are used by many businesses

First Pay Stub for Free

First Pay Stub for Free

Accurate Tax Calculations

Accurate Tax Calculations

Free Pay Stub Templates

Free Pay Stub Templates

Additional Earnings & Deductions

Additional Earnings & Deductions

Mobile App for Creating Pay Stubs

Mobile App for Creating Pay Stubs

Free Corrections

Free Corrections

How to Create Pay Stubs Online?

Creating pay stubs with the pay stub creator is simple and easy. Just follow the simple steps and choose the pay stub templates of your choice and create pay stubs for your employees or contractors.

Enter your Business Information

Enter your Business Information

Preview Pay Stub

Pay Stub

Download, Print or Email

Download, Print or Email

Our Pay Stub Creator Is Available On The Devices You Use Everyday

Download our pay stub generator app from your iOS or android device or galaxy store.

Frequently Asked Questions on Pay Stubs

Can I create PayStubs for Free?

Yes, with 123PayStubs you can create your first pay stubs for free. Explore all the exclusive features that our paystub generator has to offer for your business. Get started with 123PayStubs today and generate your paystubs in three simple steps.

Can I make corrections on the pay stubs?

Yes, you can make unlimited corrections on your pay stubs prior to completing your order. You have the option to preview your pay stubs after entering the information. In case of any error, you can correct it in the right way by clicking the edit option.

However, if you find any errors after completing your order, please contact our support team, they will further assist you in fixing the errors on your completed paycheck stubs.

Can I change the look of the pay stub template?

Yes, you can change the appearance of the paystub template by selecting a design from our list of templates. All of our paystub templates are free, and you can change them even after the pay stub has been generated.

How can I generate my pay stubs with 123 Paystubs?

Generate your paystub just in three simple steps.

  • Fill in your Information - Enter the required information such as company name, employee earring, etc
  • Select the template - Choose from our wide range of professional templates
  • Download or email your pay stubs - You can either download the completed pay stubs or email them directly to the employee or contractor.

How safe is my information in 123PayStubs?

Your safety is our highest priority, we take extra measures to ensure that your data is safe and secure. Here is how we do it

  • Our site is integrated with advanced encryption methods like SSL/TLS encryption to help your personal data secure.
  • As part of our privacy policy, we don’t share your contact information and email address with other third parties
  • We always strive to upscale our security measures with the latest technology and policy to ensure a safe and secure experience for our users.

Create your checkstub with our pay stub generator today.